Our mission is simple: keep the good stuff going.

We love being outside and we love good gear. We know that means your gear gets used, hard. Accidents happen; rocky mountains, barbed wire, and hungry puppies sometimes get the better of us. On top of it all, things don’t always last as long as they should. 

That’s why we are committed to deliver high quality repairs that extend the lifespan of your gear. We want your gear to take you as long and far as you would like to go, and in the process leave a smaller footprint on the planet. 

Our Story

 Our journey started in 2021 on a family visit to Llanberis. Rosanna realised that her background in engineering paired with her love of sewing provided the perfect ingredients for a repair shop. Jos, who had grown up in the area, was immediately on board. After a few conversations with family and friends, the demand for the service became clearly obvious. Fast forward a year later, we've learnt more about tape than we care to imagine, carried multiple industrial machines up the stairs and installed a shop dog called Alma.

Keep crashing.

Meet the team


Now a trained Engineer, Rosanna grew up making things. The daughter of a fisherman and a sailor, she is most at home on the water. She is a qualified windsurf instructor, keen fisherwoman and mountain biker. When she’s not in Wales, you’ll find her back in Galloway, usually on or in the sea, or eating something from it. Find out more about her dads (award winning) smokehouse here: www.gallowaysmokehouse.co.uk


Trail runner, windsurfer, kayaker, mountain biker, surfer, sailor… it’s a wonder this guy ever has time for anything else! Jos grew up running down mountains in Llanberis. Now an electrician by trade, he spends the rest of his time working on repairs, or helping his dad maintain the bikes over at: www.llanberisbikehire.co.uk